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To help navigate the challenge of COVID-19 the Academie Delegation US & Canada , Hosted a Webinar on July 15th, 2020 to provide resources for the hospitality industry and to better stay connected throughout these difficult times.

The panel include:

  • Rainer Zinngrebe : VP Marriott Luxury brands. 
    • The change in the world of hotels and restaurantsfacing the pandemic.
  • Gerard Bertholon : CSO Cuisine solution.
    • Presentation of solutions such as Dark kitchen or Reef.
  • Frédéric Cyr : Culinary Director Château Frontenac, Quebec
    • Presentation of its new take-out lunch box concept.
  • Jean-Pierre Le Cannelier : CEO The Butter Books
    • Training solutions of the future.
  • Ronan Minahan : CEO Gourmet culinary partners
    • New business plan for your company.

If you miss it ! Watch the full Webinar

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